Establishing The Philip Trent Fund: AMC’s Newest Trails Endowment Fund
Self-proclaimed peak-bagger Philip Trent kept pins and posters, mementos of his adventures hiking mountains across the globe. Fueled by his love of the outdoors and drawn to the camaraderie found in outdoor adventure, Philip spent many years as a member of the Appalachian Mountain Club, enjoying trips up and down the East Coast, across the United States, and internationally. He especially appreciated the beauty of the White Mountains in New Hampshire.
An avid adventurer, Philip believed in being well-prepared, and this legacy will live on in his planned gift to AMC. His generous bequest gift established a new endowment fund in 2022 that will support the repair, maintenance, and relocation of AMC trails in perpetuity, with a special emphasis on ensuring safe stream crossings.
Trent spent a lot of his spare time with AMC. He often took courses offered through the organization on backpacking, hiking, and canoeing. He always wanted to learn what you needed to do to face a challenging situation, and how to prepare for uncertain conditions. A planned gift to AMC gave him the opportunity to do just that.
We are grateful for his foresight and generosity, which will benefit outdoor enthusiasts now and for generations to come. Please consider joining Philip and including AMC in your estate plans.